Thursday, January 21, 2010


T his new cavas gave me some problems in terms of inspiration.
The project outlines were "an unfinished painting, but to look finished," which I don't think should be too difficult. This isn't actually complete yet, despite the guidelines, and will be completely incomplete in a week or two, I expect.

Snip & Paste

T hese were a part of a drawing project, to create several collages to use as reference for one drawing. I felt fungi would be fun.

Monday, January 11, 2010

"L ook, look! a white spot of him like a single floating feather comes up from the dead hemlock and grows larger and rises, and come close at last, and goes by the landmark pine with a steady sweep of wings and outstretched slender neck and crested head. And wait! wait! Do not move a foot or a finger, little girl, do not send an arrow of light and consciousness from your two eager eyes, for the heron has perched on a pine bough not far beyond yours, and cries back to his mate on the nest and plumes his feathers for the new day!"

- Jewett, A White Heron

These Frames are Tanks

A small series of some undersea friends of mine.

D earest, nearest to my heart. You are so bold.

Finally (!) done. Basically so. I can hang my deerest finally.

Clay cities

W ork in progress.
Italian city (that I've never visited.)
Acrylic on canvas

Nothing nicer

N othing nicer than flowers.
Thanks for the spraypaint tutorial Dom.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

paper flowers

D oodling with pen and paper.
(this was also a christmas gift)

Saturday, January 2, 2010


P ainted this as a gift for my uncle, a lover of opera. It is my first acrylic in about 5 months.