Thursday, April 15, 2010

Slides n' Ladders

T his peice came quickly.... it exploded a bit. I had fun with the charcoal over gesso technique. Still not resolved, though. It's also my first acrylic peice in a while.

More Offering

P ut a lil' more time into this.... it's lost some momentum, unfortunately.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Slide Cont.

G ot a chance to work quite a bit on the spiritual painting today... neither of these are very good pictures unfortunately.... crooked and with flash.... still working.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spirituality dans mon esprit

O ur fourth and final assignment of the semster in painting is on the topic of 'spirituality'. Immeadiately I thought of how it feels to be outside on a sunny day, strolling in the forest, going on thoughtful gamoreet, or at the beach, or just lying down with music, living in the moment, in a place or state of mind of peace. Know what I mean?

One of the places I associate most with having time to relax, reflect and enjoy trees is at Delta Beach, and I'm going to be using many of these images as reference. Taken by yours truly!

Ultra Bird in Space and Cherry Face Collage

A s part of my painting project, we were to paint from a section of collage. Above was the section I chose from the 20 others I had. This is the beginnings of the painting below.