Monday, May 31, 2010


Y ou may recall my earlier ink/watercolour drawing of very similar mushroom stacks (or you can see it if you scroll down a bit, or click here). I've been wanting to continue my fungus fascination on canvas, and this is the start of my newest painting.  I really worked up the bottom half of the piece today, I'm really happy with it so far, especially the funky beetle with the flower growing from his back...

Garage Garbage Galore

S neak peek of a drawing I'm in the midst of working on. It's quite large (don't have the exact dimensions, too lazy to get up and check), and my standard pen & ink & watercolour. It's completion will involve more images of old furniture, lots more, and perhaps some layers of rice paper.


T his is an ink drawing from about a month ago, for a friend who had requested seahorses. I looked at random pictures off the internet for the horses, and my previous sketch for the background.
I must say, I was pretty fond of the line drawing before I put colour in...

So here's the finished product. Unfortunately there's a glare on the right side of the image, but you get the idea. I must say, I think I liked it better without colour, but she seemed to like it anyway!

Two days at the Bottom of the Ocean

T his is a detailed little drawing from my sketchbook. I was looking at an article in an old National Geographic - the sketch came in handy for the seahorse drawing I was commissioned a few days later.

Monday, May 17, 2010

judging completed

I finished up this painting a while ago, and finally photographed with the new camera!
Not my favourite work, but I had fun finishing it with scribbles of oil pastels on top on the dried paint.