Sunday, December 25, 2011

Memories in pencil

{Split in two
 to remember you
what if
each what if
created a different past?}

..Lots of subtleties of the pencil marks are lost in the picture, alas.


Movin' slow and together, boys

Seeing doubles on the field

coloured inks on paper, about 2x6 feet
Did you ever see see such a such a thing thing?

This baby is BIIIIIG . Click on her! First attempt at drawing on a large scale with a brush. Still some kinks to work out, but more to come in this format for sure.

Aces in this nonesense family

watercolour and ink, 30x40(ish)"

Thursday, November 3, 2011

what do you see in me, baby?

Had a lovely little craft morning recently and produced some of these lovely rorschachs, some of which I've made into masks..

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sheep Man: Man Album

I did the art for Sheep Man's new album! I followed their manly instructions for the images.
The album can be listened to here.  It is awesome, go listen to it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

oh lazy me

Finally coloured this.
I have the finishing touches to add to the three drawings and I'll deem the series complete fer neow.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

new page header

Believe it or not, the header I'm using for this site wasn't actually drawn by me.
 I know, right?
I have no idea why I didn't just draw my own. The little blonde girl is actually cut out of an old 'Brownies' guidebook, and I thought she was cute, and oddly resembled me in my own brownie days.

This is the full image, a dorky little collage I made several years ago for the first page of my sketchbook:

Anyway, I drew this today among my doodling, and it will probably replace the little blonde brownie that I've usurped for three years. I'll scan a crisper version, and possibly colour it tomorrow (when it's not 2am).
It's the same sort of idea, except, you know.... mine.

just an easy morning rebel

There are Monsters

I recently took a couple pictures and drew the logo for a few friends of mine, the band "There are Monsters".

You can check their music out at

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Under-drawing for festival pt3

(you'll need to click and enlarge this one)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

New Bones

Just started this last week...

Thursday, April 7, 2011


These are the same drawings as before.... I just put them beside each other.
I wish I had time to keep working the series right now..

More Notes.

... bahhh must study and not make these

Campers Updated

.I completely took out the girl on the left. Sorry girl on the left.

Class notes

......."I'm trying to learn..."

Monday, March 21, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Festival p. 2

P art 2.
I'm currently reading Malcolm Lowry's "Under the Volcano". Very interesting, and relevant to my current stream of artwork!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Newestest Painting In Progress.

S ingle sitting stage (2 hours in..?ish). Starting to recognize some familiar characters.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sketching the Strange

I made a few things up in the drawings, as you can probably observe. I'm not sure whether I'm going to do more than these four, in this particular way. These were all loose and quick, made on the same night. I used a combination of watercolor, oil pastels, pencil crayon and graphite on yellowish paper ( I don't know the term for it). I want to move on to something a little more ambitious, and  have begun a larger drawing, with masked characters filling a festival-type space.