Sunday, May 15, 2011

new page header

Believe it or not, the header I'm using for this site wasn't actually drawn by me.
 I know, right?
I have no idea why I didn't just draw my own. The little blonde girl is actually cut out of an old 'Brownies' guidebook, and I thought she was cute, and oddly resembled me in my own brownie days.

This is the full image, a dorky little collage I made several years ago for the first page of my sketchbook:

Anyway, I drew this today among my doodling, and it will probably replace the little blonde brownie that I've usurped for three years. I'll scan a crisper version, and possibly colour it tomorrow (when it's not 2am).
It's the same sort of idea, except, you know.... mine.

just an easy morning rebel

There are Monsters

I recently took a couple pictures and drew the logo for a few friends of mine, the band "There are Monsters".

You can check their music out at

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Under-drawing for festival pt3

(you'll need to click and enlarge this one)