Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Is this a dagger which I see before me?

In Progress

Is this a dagger which I see before me?, 30x40", oil on canvas. 2014

Sea of Troubles

What Sea of Troubles, What Arms to Bear?, 30x40" oil on canvas. 2014

A Soft Place & Statement

A Soft Place (Bear Legs), 12x22", watercolour and ink on paper. 2014

In the work I have been procuring of late, I seek to reflect a sense of transformation, texture and a touch of absurdity beneath each moment of idleness; My work focuses on rendering figures which fall somewhere between youthful, decrepit, beautiful and brittle. The bodies I paint, primarily feminine, are glimpsed in an innately empathetic moment - however defiant to engage with the viewer. The images portray the mundane everyday, playing with the allure of comfort and the underlying anxieties that may be concealed. The paintings whisper of a fear of displacement and an ache for danger. My imagery echoes themes from American folklore, imbibing a sense of innocent story-telling while portraying figures threatened by something unseen; if only their own restless passivity.  

Madamme Rip Van Winkle

30x40", oil on canvas. 2014

Other hen-pecked madammes wish they could have shares in Rip's good luck and had the luxury of sleeping through the hardships of American Revolution.


Greek ἀμφí, amphi, "both" + βíος, bios, "life"