Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Bath House... Updated

S ecret Narrative? A touch up or two left to do... Perhaps more to come in this series.

The Living Room Set

A couple sits down for dinner. And stays there forever.
My End-of-Term Drawing Project. Pen, Ink, Thread, Coffeem Watercolour.


T he lovely, lively wife.

Crits Crits


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Grandaddy Chair

D rawing project, work in progress....
Kind of a 'spirit of old furniture'/'ageing vanitas'.... Figuring it out.

Bather Luring Updated

U pdated version of this painting. BAD QUALITY IMAGE. I must get my hands on a

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Bath House

C anvas number third of the bathers series.

The angle that I'm working from in this piece is particularly tricky, and I'm pleased that so far it's going fairly well. Working strickly from my own head is more difficult in a very technically challenging image.

I'm excited for this one, though. I'm hoping for it to have a slightly haunting effect, and to change the dynamic of my other images.

Here is the drawing that I was working from to give you an idea of what else I'm doing with the painting.

The Bathing one

H ere we see the second instalment of my bathers series.

So far, so good in my opinion. These women are kind of a silly/fun subject matter from my brain. I'm trying my best to paint in an element of unrest, however, or discomfort in this moist little land.

Although featured earlier on, I've included the innitial drawing for this piece because it's kind of neat to see what I was working off of.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Bathers Cont.

I forge forward in the first instalment of the trio: my portrait of these lovely ladies, these beautiful bathers.

The bathers begin


M y painting prof. has assigned our next project to be a triptic series - three paintings that make up one whole. Essentially this is so broad because you can do three of anything and make a whole.
So I just sat down and watched some good online TV while fiddling with some watercolour drawings for ideas. These three are my product. (Unfortunately the images are a little muddy here..)
I tri-ed.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Waves of change

A h.
What can we say about work and time? To change for the worst like bread and milk? Or for the better, like cheese and wine?

I don't know, whatever.

This painting came from a photograph. But I didn't want it to look like a photograph. So I did lotsa stuff to it. Now I don't know.

The progression is neat to look at, though.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Watch your fingers

W rite the test.
But don't let it bite you back
Keep your fingers curled into a ball
To keep your knuckles intact.

W hen you were young you were the king of carrot flowers
and how you built a tower tumbling through the trees
In holy rattlesnakes that all fell around your feet
And this is the room
One afternoon I knew I could love you
And from above you how I sank into your soul
Into that secret place where no one dares to go

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Life Drawing Session 2

A few more life drawings from today's session. This delightfully hefty model was kind of fun to do...

Elegant pondering

J ust playing around....

Isn't this light in your eyes just lovely?

My house is full of birds and pretty things

B ecause I'm so so attentive in all my classes, I sketched this little guy during... ok, I don't even remember.
It's just in my sketchbook and the picture is a little blurry unfortunately, but I like it. Perhaps it shall become a painting or something in the future.

Life Drawing Session 1

F or my drawing class we've had a few model sessions, and this is a 20 minute conte drawing from a few weeks ago.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Wavy painting

T his is a painting I just started for class last week. Definitely a work in progress.
It's based on a photograph taken by my uncle.
It's going to change drastically after this. Wooohoo

Sunday, September 20, 2009


A contour drawing was required for home-doing this week. (This is where you draw outlines, mostly looking at the subject and not the paper. Potentially disasterous).

I walked on down to Ye Olde Port for mine. Lots of contours resembling lots of tourists. I wish they would have stood more still.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Antlers and stripes

T his is my at-home work-in-progress for the moment.

You could call it my artistic interpretation of my family trip to Park Safari if you require an explanation.

Monday, September 14, 2009

I depart, summer departs, we grow apart

G oodbye sandy beaches and eternal sunsets.

Seeing as it is september, I officially resign from my summer.

The Sand MJ

T his summer I had an extremely spiritual experience.

During one of my strolls across the sandy beach, I was wading the shallow waters with my toes and I came upon a small plastic toy.

At first glance, it looked very much like beach trash, simply washed up onto shore after being discarded by some small child, but upon further inspection I was astounded to discover it was much more than this: given the action figure's pale complexion, sunglasses, gloves and bundled body, it was very clear that I had come across a re-incarnation of the recently deceased Michael Jackson. In action figure form.

Handling him very carefully and respectfully, I hastily gave him a much needed final photo shoot before paying my last respects and re-uniting him with the great blue yonder.

In his glory
He can still sometimes be heard, avoiding paparazzi
Go forth, MJ, and be free

Summer bird

D uring my stay at the lovely Delta beach this summer vacation, I painted this bright bird. (perhaps a month ago..)

Doesn't he just squak summer?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dissonant Sheep

A fter MUCH arranging and re-arranging, I have completed my sheep collage.
I couldn't tell you my original intentions for this little project, they were basically a desire to express my love for sheep artistically. It transformed into a very sticky creation, with potentially political implications. I called it Dissonant Sheep for this reason.
Oh Yes. Those sheep are dissonant, alright.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


F ood is simply a series of decisions.

Indulgence? The eternal dilemma of the grocery shop, my friends.