Monday, September 14, 2009

The Sand MJ

T his summer I had an extremely spiritual experience.

During one of my strolls across the sandy beach, I was wading the shallow waters with my toes and I came upon a small plastic toy.

At first glance, it looked very much like beach trash, simply washed up onto shore after being discarded by some small child, but upon further inspection I was astounded to discover it was much more than this: given the action figure's pale complexion, sunglasses, gloves and bundled body, it was very clear that I had come across a re-incarnation of the recently deceased Michael Jackson. In action figure form.

Handling him very carefully and respectfully, I hastily gave him a much needed final photo shoot before paying my last respects and re-uniting him with the great blue yonder.

In his glory
He can still sometimes be heard, avoiding paparazzi
Go forth, MJ, and be free

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