Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Elephant in the Room

T here are a few things coming to our attention, and we hope to deal with it soon. The only thing we've decidedly turned our backs on is the elephant in the room.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Stick with me

E verybody has been talking - yes news travels fast. But I don't worry, honey. Let them say what they will. Come on and stick with me, baby, we'll find a way.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Soloist

T his one here was conceived with more of a story behind the image. The actual story itself, however, doesn't exist. Yet.

Process work for the Soloist

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


A few troubled dreams at least proved to be inspiring.

Goodbye for Now

I will miss you Grey Nuns; beautiful building and people alike.

I hear myself say My boat's leaving now So we shake hands and cry
Now I must wave goodbye Wave goodbye, wave goodbye Wave goodbye, wave goodbye

There's only one thing on my mind searching boxes underneath the counter on a chance that on a tape I'd find a song for someone who needs somewhere to long for homesick cause I no longer know what home is Thank You
Lyrics: Kings of Convenience

It snowed before

T hese are a few pictures I snapped back when the snow was deep and I couldn't resist gamoreeting about in the falling water...

They're much nicer to see in late April, I think.

Models: Alexis Planche, Gabriel Rotily

This was another shoot I took earlier this year, to help Ariana document her ceramics project.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I hate packing.

I never knew I had so much crap. But in the car it all went, and I began my not-too-long trekk home for the summer. Bumpily doodled this little thing on the way over.

A wee bit LRG for my liking maybe, but whatever:

The guy's face reminded me of my illustration from a year or two ago, of this Grimm Tale story called 'the Salad'. Lots of theivery and misery ; delightfully aimed at children in the good olde days.

Monday, April 13, 2009

under the sea

K ind of had 'Ursula' from the Little Mermaid for this one.
(Never doubt the importance of body language)

Since I'm such a nice, poor friend, this was my bestie's christmas gift this year. .. which is totally still sitting in a corner of her room somewhere, collecting fishy dust.

Poor fishies.


I have this not-so-newfound obsession with our feathered friends.

Just a few older little playful pieces.

My little girl (oil on canvas)

Stork Stack (watercolour and ink)

My trip to school. (Feat. Pigeons) (watercolour and ink)

Sketch for My little Girl

Watercolour Sketch

Oh how they shine (watercolour and ink)

Performance Vanitas

I'm delighted to have finished one of my most indecisive projects ever.

Performance meets stitched paper and fabric.

This particular one was an installation, mixed with an audio track I'd made, along with a brief performance. Essentially I curled up and ate away inside my little collapsing city.


More than anything, it was really satifying to gross people out by eating with my mouth open.

These are pics from early this year that I wish I could use for something other than just painting from. I have millions.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Begin with bod

I have decided to make a blog. Clearly.

Having just finished my first year of university, I felt that it would be deliciously self-indulgent enough and appropriately arty to start to document my stuff. For any and all to see. (Hi mom).

So here it begins.

I'm super-pleased, however, to be done with all these bodacious year-end projects. Well, not fully done because they're all horribly, horribly incomplete. But that's fine for now. I'll begin with a few of my hot body works.

inspirations: Jenny Saville, Lucien Freud
Watercolour Sketches

B elow is the planning sketch for the large 5 x 5 foot oil painting underneath

P lastic
30x40 In, oil on canvas

These two particular paintings took up a LOT of my time this semester.

Done? No.