Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bugging out

 T weedle dee, tweedle beetle

Sitting 1

Sitting 2
This is my first painting for (guess) painting class this year! It's 20x28" (I think), oil on canvas.
Still in progress. We showed up to class that morning and the professor announced we were not doing the model painting as planned, and basically we were to forge ahead on whatever we wanted.
 I had nothing prepared, so I just grabbed my sketchbook and started this painting, essentially based on a doodle (You may recognize this beetle character-thing from earlier works).

I really don't mind it. It's kind of funky. I'm afraid I'm loosing the lightness and looseness though that it had at the start, which is a common issue for me when it comes to painting. It's a very spontaneous sort of thing, though, so I'll just keep working on the little guy and see where we go. I'll scan that sketch later.

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