Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Your jar agape, your mouth a jar.

D eath is the theme of our next drawing project this term. I have decided to continue with subject matter that I touched on last year, jarring and pickling, for my next series.
The one in particular, featuring Charles Nelson Reilly, was my starting point (and will probly be included in the series).
For the drawings, which you can see I have begun (below), I've been collecting a bunch of images from old talk and game shows that are no longer on the air, and collecting famous deceased T.V. personalities, such as:
David Susskind

Brett Somers

Charles Nelson Reilly

Merv Griffin

Tom Snyder
I've been watching a bunch of samples from these 70-80's prime-time shows.... and I must say, think Match Game is my fav. Why not through 'em in a brine and keep it for all of time?

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