Saturday, December 1, 2012

Work Deaks

Hello! Here is an equation for you.
Office job + no internet access + some remaining joie de vivre = OFFICE DOODLES

These are not created with any intention of being fantastic or profound, but merely as a method of remaining sane between monotonous filing and chiming, "Bonjour, comment puis-je vous aider", into my headset (yes, I wear a headset... good lord).

The content stems almost entirely from whatever smudgy photographs I've collected on my cell. During a lull in activity, I might slip out the little notebook I carry around and unsheathe my marker.

I pasted on a little head-embellishment later on these..

and if I tire of my smudgy phone inspiration:

... get back to work!

1 comment:

  1. Those robots look almost animated. I could use a few around the house!
